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Blue Panther by Miguel       Rio Branco

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Miguel Rio Branco

Blue Panther by Miguel       Rio Branco


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(b. Brazil, 1946).
Born into a family of diplomats, Miguel Rio Branco grew up in the Canary Islands, Portugal, Brazil, Switzerland and the United States. At first he expressed himself through painting and drawing then, as of 1968, decided to pursue a career in photography and filmmaking. Rio Branco first settled in New York then returned to Brazil in 1972 and continued work as a freelance photographer and a film cameraman. He joined Magnum in 1978 as a correspondent. In 1980, he lost all of his black-and-white film archives in a fire.
Rio Branco, a ceaseless experimenter in expressive and lyrical color photography, has been awarded several prizes for his work including the Prix Kodak de la Critique (1982) and, that same year, the Prix Spécial du Jury at the Lille Festival for his film Nada. In 1985 the artist took up painting again and lately has moved towards a form of poetic research, drawing from his varied artistic experiences to build original multimedia installa

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