in_Site ,
Oct 13, 2000 - Feb 25, 2001
San Diego, CA , USA
Exhibition Tour
by Bill Kelley Jr.
InSITE 2000’s third Exploration Weekend, January 19-21, introduced new works by Carlos Amorales, Judith Barry, Allan McCollum, and Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle. Friday evening, 19th started off with the first of the two part wrestling spectacle/performance by Carlos Amorales at the Auditorio Municipal in Tijuana entitled Invisible Man (My Way). This raucous and interactive performance, inserted into the Friday night fight program, examines the roles of masks, eroticism, violence and identity within and without the wrestling world and throughout various social contexts. The event introduced to the world the artist’s alter-ego, the lucha libre wrestler Amorales. The match of Amorales and Amorales vs. the sinister duo of Satanico and Ultimo Guerrero was exhilarating! As the match among the "pros" was in action, the masked artist found any opportunity while pacing the sidelines to meddle in the action and disrupt Satanico’s plans of attack. Judith Barry’s project is an interior 8 x 10 ft. video projection unto the windows of the First National Bank Building in downtown San Diego. Passerby’s witness short vignettes based on stories collected by local journalists involving situations of exchange, ranging from the extraordinary to the mundane. Spanish artist Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle transformed the Playas de Tijuana bullring into a radio telescope searching for "aliens" of all kinds. The artist suspended a massive antenna above the bullring and a receiving dish below that covered the entire ring. Manglano-Ovalle has been broadcasting signals from space on speakers surrounding the bullring on FM radio and on the internet. The ring is located on the beach overlooking the U.S./Mexican border and the hum created by these massive speakers combined with the crashing of the waves of the nearby beach made for a surreal experience. The opening reception for Allan McCollum’s project at San Diego State University examines the cultural identity of natural phenomenon. McCollum focuses on the sand spikes found exclusively at the base of Mt. Signal/El Centinela, which straddles the U.S./Mexican border. Artist talks and conversations included presentations by Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle and Silvia Gruner. Conversation III of the four part series, entitled "the political," "the ethical," "the aesthetic," and "the spectacle" at UC San Diego saw Cuauhtémoc Medina moderating a panel which included artist Judith Barry, curator Catherine David, and professor Fredric Jameson from Duke University. The final expedition, slated for February, 23rd through the 25th will include talks by Allan McCollum, Roman de Salvo, and a dialogue with Estrada Rodriguez, Carlos Monsiváis, and Ruben Ortiz Torres at Centro Cultural Tijuana (CECUT). Conversation IV entitled Image Power: Cultural intervention as public memory in post modern spaces, has Susan Buck-Morss moderating a panel that includes sociologist Nestor Garcia Canclini from UNAM, cultural anthropologist Michael Taussig from Colombia University, artist Krzysztof Wodiczko, and scholar George Yúdice from NYU, also at CECUT. To read more about InSITE2000 click on Read Exhibition Essays below.