Xavier Andrade (b. Quito, Ecuador) lives and works in Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador.
X. Andrade is an urban anthropologist and President-for-Life of the Full Dollar Corporation, a company that traffics in anthropology and contemporary art. In both fields he is interested in casting an ethnographic look on the social life of objects, images and ideas in an urban context. Due to the nature of his background in academia and public interventions, most of his activities take place outside the art establishment, but he has nevertheless taken part in Aleksandra Mir's project, Naming Tokyo, at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2003); the First Biennial of Non-Visual Art, Guayaquil (2004); Localismos (Localisms), Mexico City, Mexico (2004); Closing Time, Paris, Quito, Bilbao Biennial, Paris (2006); Estrecho Dudoso, San José, Costa Rica (2006); Arte Conceptual en Ecuador ( Conceptual Art in Ecuador), Museo del Banco Central, Quito (2007), and in the exhibition "Operativo: Enunciado O" (Operation: Enunciation O") at the Ninth Cuenca Biennal (2007).
Full Dollar Inc. A company that explores the fringes between anthropology and contemporary art. It carries out a monthly activity that is reported on the Website www. experimentosculturales.com. Its preferred strategy is appropriation, ranging from buildings, pieces or parts of generic landscapes to commercial logotypes, works and/or texts on art history, clothing items and cultural-management initiatives. Its favorite means of expression is parodying the authorized languages of art and the predominant discourse on public spaces. On par with its artistic activity, which mostly deals with the perverse sociological effects of urban renewal in Guayaquil, Full Dollar provides the artistic community with an academic service in the form of articles specializing in urban anthropology and editorials. Full Dollar favors the establishment of strategic alliances with other collectives to accomplish its projects. It has worked with Sapo Inc. and Experimentos Culturales de Ecuador, the Adopt A Writer Foundation in Mexico, and Bijari in Brazil. The work of Full Dollar leaves little evidence of its existence, other than academic articles and, occasionally, videos or photographs that document its activities.
Lillebit Fadraga interviews X. Andrade on Full Dollar’s participation in Estrecho Dudoso in San José, Costa Rica. Lillebit Fadraga (b.Cuba) is an art history graduate of the Arts and Literature Faculty of Havana University. She has published reviews, essays and interviews in Cuban magazines specializing in art and culture.