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Carlos Alonso


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(b. Tucumán, Argentina, 1930).
Alonso was born in Tucumán, Argentina of an Argentine father and an Italian mother. In 1944 he entered the National Academy of Fine Arts in Cuyo, and received instruction in drawing, printing, painting, and sculpture. While at school, his closest friends were the poets Armando Tejeda Gómez, Hugo Acevedo, and others. He illustrated many of these poets' first books. He was given his first exhibition in the Galería Jiménez in 1949. In 1954 he visited Europe, and in 1960 he was invited to participate in the 2nd Biennial in Mexico at the National Institute of Fine Arts. In 1961 he made a second trip to Europe, and later from 1976 to 1981 he spent many years in exile. From the early 1960s he was associated with a group of figurative artists in the New Figuration movement that sought to re-institute the figure in what had largely been a modern movement dominated by Abstraction (with fellow artists Luis Noé, Ernesto V

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